Really enjoyed having Melinda Hill on my show. She is a wealth of information. I feel like sometimes people show up in your life just when you need them. Melinda Hill seems to be one of those people for me. She contributed a lot of information and even encouragement that I needed at this time. I’m currently working on figuring out how to move into a more professional space with my work. I’ve always earned my living elsewhere to give myself the freedom to do things on my own terms. This has worked for me to varying degrees for a long time. But not I’m finding that it’s hindering me a bit because I’m having to keep two careers going. This is quite difficult over time. My work as a comedian and as an actor should now begin to become more commercial, but it is up to me. Please enjoy this interview with Melinda. She is a comsumate professional and a person that doesn’t wait for others to give her permission to do her work, yet she is ready when that work comes. She’s also a hilarious and kind person.