
Jack Grapes and Method Writing

Many years ago I was at Patricia Arquette’s house and I was talking to a woman who was to enthralled with a writing teacher named Jack Grapes. Although I didn’t have the time or money to enroll in his classes, at the time, I signed up for his newsletter and a when I see the emails, I am reminded that I want to take a class from him some day. Well I did the next best thing, I got him to be a guest on my show. What an incredible man he is. He is the embodiment of what artists should be. He is committed, limitless, humorous and having fun. His process is called Method Writing, which harkens back to Method Acting. I look forward to reading his books and delving into what this all means. For now, here is the episode. Maybe I’ll see you in one of his classes.

Journey to the Self With Prabhakar Prasad - Interview Friday - Lunch Therapy 437

Journey to the Self  With Prabhakar Prasad - Interview Friday - Lunch Therapy 437

"Lunch Therapy 437" on YouTube, where the host introduces a guest, Prabhakar Prasad, who is knowledgeable about The Vedas and Bhagavad-Gita, ancient Indian scriptures. The conversation revolves around Prasad's personal journey and his devotion to studying these scriptures. The host also discusses horses as a symbolic representation of the five senses and how they influence our lives.

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